2016.07 Products launch for FC hybrid E-bike and BX100 portable power supply in Taiwan.
2016.04 Products launch in 2016 HCCTF Hi-tech & military fair in Chongqing, China. (has been awarded "The Best Enterprise")
2016.04 Products launch in the 2016 HANNOVER MESSE.
2016.03 Products launch in the Tokyo 2016 Fuel Cell EXPO.
2015.08 Design and Moldings in Taiwan, BX3 series FC products ready to mass production.
2015.04 EVs equipped MeFC module( fueling 50% Methanol water) start to their road test in Chongqing, China.
2015.03 Products launch in the 2015 CCISF in Chongqing, China
2014.11 Demonstration and test center landed in Chongqing, China.
2014.07 Energy independent farm project which produce hydrogen from agriculture waste and produce electricity with
stacking standard FC modules has been introduce to China intending ease the PM2.5issue.
2014.05 DPP prototype applies world patented "PFFC" technique is established
2013.09 Products launch in the WHTC 2013 EXPO (Shanghai, China)
2012.04 FC and rechargeable battery hybrid FCEV series has successfully completed road test.
2011.03 Prototypes of fuel cell powered lite E-scooter (24V,36V,48V) has successfully completed road test.
2010.06 Products launch in the Expo 2010 Shanghai China
2010.05 Deliver prototypes to Sichuan, China.
2009.02 Start fuel cell powered E-scooter development.
2008.04 Preparing production line for application prototypes to coalition partners..
2007.02 Products launch in the Tokyo 2007 Fuel Cell EXPO.
2007.01 Start Delivering PEMFC sample products which are assembling in Taiwan.
2005.07 Fuel Cell Power Products Launch at Southern Taiwan Science Park.
2005.01 Apply to be garrisoned in the S.T.Science Park. Have been awarded as the Science Enterprise and got admittance.
2004.10 Garrisoned in to NCKU Univenture Centre .
2004.05 BOYAM established in Taiwan
2004.04 Sign agreement between Palcan & Boyam in Burnaby B.C. Canada